I'm just a 46 year old woman who wants to stay in shape and feel good and age well. I'm not a marathoner. I'm not a triathlete. I'm just a mom. But I love to run and workout. Not that it's always fun while I'm doing it, but I love the feeling of success after I finish. Some days it's just pure will-power to finish my run or do that lunge or push-up, but at 46, I think I am doing really well. I don't know if 45 was a good time to start barefooting it, but I was having back and knee problems and ran across the book, "Born to Run," and was inspired. So I am blogging my journey of barefoot running. Thanks for taking a look. I hope it inspires and helps someone else along the way.

pre-run yoga stretch

Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Mistake!!!

So I ran over four miles last Friday on the treadmill--worked REALLY HARD and felt REALLY GOOD. I owed myself another FOUR in the week because I WIMPED out on Wednesday. So I decided to hit the road on SATURDAY.

I broke my own rule: Do not run on successive days if you want to avoid INJURIES. http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-241-285--11130-0,00.html And that has made so much difference for me. (I do strength training every other day)

I also then ran in the VIBRAMS on the road on a successive day. STUPID! My running partner was trying out her new VIBRAMS and was just going to do a mile in them. I did the mile with her. Then I thought, "Well, my feet are used to these. I'll just do the other two in these." (We went three that day). BIG MISTAKE!

I made my foot sore. I wouldn't say it was painfully sore. But it was that little NAGGING pain that makes you worried.

So I have been CAUTIOUS this week and have done no IMPACT in VIBRAMS--just the Sauconys or Nikes. Bummer! But it's feeling nearly normal.

I looked at myself in the mirror this morning before working out and said to myself, "You have a LIFETIME. No need to rush." That was to remind myself not to over do it barefoot today.

I think we have lived in our shoes for our entire lives, and we can't expect to just shoot out the door barefoot and think nothing will get sore.

TAKE IT SLOW. You've got a lifetime.

Happy Running!

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