I'm just a 46 year old woman who wants to stay in shape and feel good and age well. I'm not a marathoner. I'm not a triathlete. I'm just a mom. But I love to run and workout. Not that it's always fun while I'm doing it, but I love the feeling of success after I finish. Some days it's just pure will-power to finish my run or do that lunge or push-up, but at 46, I think I am doing really well. I don't know if 45 was a good time to start barefooting it, but I was having back and knee problems and ran across the book, "Born to Run," and was inspired. So I am blogging my journey of barefoot running. Thanks for taking a look. I hope it inspires and helps someone else along the way.

pre-run yoga stretch

Friday, February 26, 2010

The seam in the shoe

I ran 45 minutes the other day on the treadmill! The ONLY complaint I had was where the seam runs on the inside of the Vibram down the bottom side of the big toe, gave me a hot spot. But like my COUSIN Dwayne said, "Just stick one of them round bandages there." So that I will do. :)

I really had no residual pain or swelling or anything the next morning. I really have to say that I can't see a downside--yet. Now, running on the roads may prove different. Can't wait to try.

Until then, when I do run outside, in shoes, I try to keep my form correct. My heart rate is dropping again--when I first started running with the correct form, it was such an EFFORT that my heart rate would rise. But I'm HAPPY to say that all is well.

And the BEST NEWS is that my calves aren't getting sore anymore. I feel like I have ARRIVED!

Happy running.

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